nerdy bio

267 awesome interviews!


NerdyBio asks a random selection of people all about the tools and techniques they're using to get things done.


When are new interviews posted?

Usually once every week, ideally on a Saturday or Sunday. After all, this website is supported by developers at StatusNeo who manage this outside of their work life!

Can I suggest someone to interview?

Absolutely! Send us the Details!

Can I suggest myself for an interview?

We appreciate the offer, please feel free to submit your answers via email to us. Our panel will review the submission and decide from there. And thank you for referring THE NEXT SOME ONE as you submit!

Is this some sort of Apple fan site?

Nope! Folks just like using their stuff.

Who runs the site?

We are a group of nerds at StatusNeo, a cool technology firm.

How can I get in touch?

Send us an email at email (this email goes to our team of Nerdy Bio FANtributors)

What's the longest it's taken someone to get answers back to you?

The current record is 8 Months. Kidding, may be not!

Why are we doing this ?

We just got inspired by Uses This and realised we can run faster than them to contribute further to this community. StatusNeo doesn’t pay us for doing this. But loves it when it we do this ;) Actually, at StatusNeo, one of the core values is to give back to the community. This website is created and managed by those nerds at StatusNeo who couldn’t think aloud an idea of their own but enjoy managing this one so that the year end performance KPI that maps to doing something for the community scores high! Lol, lol, lol!