nerdy bio

267 awesome interviews!

Anar Bayramli nerdybio: The Nerd Community

Anar Bayramli

Interviewed on
July 28, 2023 in Photographer Media

Who are you, and what do you do?

I am Anar Bayramli. I work as a photojournalist and, at the same time, I work as a freelancer. Technically, I shoot with the Canon 5D Mark IV. I love taking photos with street stories, and I have my own point of view that people appreciate. I have been in this field for 6 years and have participated in many international events, winning competitions along the way.

You can follow my journey on Instagram

Checkout some of my shots -

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

I take photos using my Canon EOS 5D Mark IV

What would be your dream/dream setup?

My dream is to go to New York and take photos there. Canon 1DX mark III is my dream camera.

NerdyBio is a community initiative by StatusNeo to capture the work life of interesting professionals and icons from various walks of life!!!
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