nerdy bio

267 awesome interviews!

Ankita Verma nerdybio: The Nerd Community

Ankita Verma

Interviewed on
March 24, 2023 in Software Engineer Business Analyst Artist

Who are you, and what do you do?

Hi all!

I am Ankita - an Engineer by education, Business Analyst by profession and Mandala artist + Psychology nerd by personal interests.

After graduating, I worked in a Political consulting firm with my deployment in various locations across India: UP, Punjab, AP, Telangana, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka. Eventually this human had a home calling, and I was back to my Hometown (Delhi) in 2019. I started my IT journey here and been working in varied roles and responsibilities as a Business Analyst. I learned a lot on my own and paved my way further.

I have keenly developed interest in building products from scratch and hope to move upwards and learn more. I am stepping the professional ladder gradually. You can follow me on LinkedIn and see my work on Instagram

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

Hardware : I use a Lenovo ThinkPad

Software : MS Office, Jira, Kanban, SQL, Power BI, Power Query

What would be your dream/dream setup?

My Dream setup is the one that keeps me calm, motivated and some sort of visionary. I like to have the setup in front of a window or balcony where I can see the outside.

Well a good laptop setup having really light weight keypad, a really good earphones or headphones, plants ( a must have), a good view of outside, a good sunlight coming through, a Lord Shiva idol, a big cup of coffee and a coffee jug to refill, a notetaker, light Piano or Jazz music coming through, a backdrop or posters of any of my favorite quotes (preferably a mix of motivational and quirky).

NerdyBio is a community initiative by StatusNeo to capture the work life of interesting professionals and icons from various walks of life!!!
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