nerdy bio

267 awesome interviews!

Jala nerdybio: The Nerd Community


Interviewed on
July 10, 2023 in Tapestry Artist

Who are you, and what do you do?

Hello, I'm Jala. I'm 24 years old, and I'm a tapestry artist. I've been practicing this art for 6 years now, and I absolutely love it. This art is my confidant and my friend. It doesn't matter which art form you specialize in; the main thing is to love your chosen field, and the rest will follow. People can see the light within you, and they will gather around you. Tapestry is like therapy to me. Since I started practicing this art, I feel more relaxed and calm. It's as if I'm in my own world when I'm weaving, and it brings me great happiness. Follow my page and join in my light. You can follow me on Instagram .

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

When weaving a tapestry, I use a tool called a 'həvə' to tighten the threads. I also work with threads of mixed materials while weaving.

What would be your dream/dream setup?

I have a goal in the queue that will remain a secret for now. 😊🙏 However, I can share that I am already working towards selling my artwork internationally. Additionally, I have an idea to hold my first solo exhibition around the autumn months.

NerdyBio is a community initiative by StatusNeo to capture the work life of interesting professionals and icons from various walks of life!!!
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