nerdy bio

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Laurie Barth nerdybio: The Nerd Community

Laurie Barth

Interviewed on
July 18, 2022 in Developer Mac

Who are you, and what do you do?

Laurie Barth, senior software engineer.

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

Personal Machine: [2019 13" MacBook Pro][macbook-pro]. Professional Machine: 2021 13" MacBook Pro. [Dell Ultrasharp Monitor][u2718q]. [Jarvis Bamboo Standing Desk][jarvis-bamboo] with desk shelf option.

[ErgoChair Pro][ergochair-pro]. Additional ergo stuff: Mindreader footrest, Everlasting support lumbar pillow, laptop riser.

[Shure BETA 87A microphone][beta-87a]. [Apple Magic Trackpad 2][magic-trackpad-2]. [Drop ALT mechanical keyboard][alt]. [TS3 Plus docking station][ts3-plus]. [Elgato Key Light][key-light].

[iTerm2][], [oh-my-zsh][], [Starship][], [Homebrew][], [nvm][], [VSCode][visual-studio-code], [Magnet][], Elgato Control Center, [Clockwise][], [Screenflow][].

I'm also currently using [IntelliJ][intellij-idea] for situations where I'm working on [Java][] and not [JavaScript][].

What would be your dream/dream setup?

To be honest, I feel like I'm pretty close to my dream setup! I'm debating another monitor but I'd rather focus on ergonomics, so probably looking at a different keyboard/mouse in that respect.

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