nerdy bio

267 awesome interviews!

Nargiz Rakhmanova nerdybio: The Nerd Community

Nargiz Rakhmanova

Interviewed on
July 2, 2023 in Artist

Who are you, and what do you do?

Hello! My name is Nargiz Rakhmanova. I am a classical and modern artist who has a deep passion for vintage and classic art. I specialize in painting with oils on hardboard and canvas, skillfully combining elements of modernity and antiquity. I am a graduate of Azimzade and ADRA and have honed my skills as a film and television artist. Additionally, I actively participate in various exhibitions, showcasing my talents in illustration. While my primary focus is on classical styles, I have recently discovered a new breath within myself for the modern style. Here's to the journey! ♥️ You can connect with me on Instagram

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

I extensively utilize Adobe Photoshop and various other programs in my work. Presently, I am employed at Yarat, where I primarily focus on creating Power Point presentations.

What would be your dream/dream setup?

My dream lies in the field of curatorship and gallerist, where I aspire to curate meaningful exhibitions and contribute to the thriving art world as a passionate and dedicated professional.

NerdyBio is a community initiative by StatusNeo to capture the work life of interesting professionals and icons from various walks of life!!!
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