nerdy bio

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Nigar İsmayilova nerdybio: The Nerd Community

Nigar İsmayilova

Interviewed on
July 2, 2023 in UI/UX Designer Network Engineer

Who are you, and what do you do?

I am Nigar İsmayilova, a 23-year-old Telecommunication network engineer and UX/UI designer who recently graduated with a master's degree. Being a telecommunication engineer is my childhood dream. And to reach my dream was not easy. I was working with zero salary, working as an intern, having less than average salary, etc. But now I am working as a Fix network customer support engineer at one of the huge telecommunications companies in my country. And the other hand UX/UI design is my hobby, my safe place. Not always but most of the time UX/UI design is relaxing me. Researching user experiences and then designing for search results is so fun! While designing just me, my latte and my computer is the best way to get rid of anxiety and stress. But of course, sometimes design also can be so stressful. Especially deadlines, some customers, when zero design solutions, and no idea comes to mind. In this kind of situations walking, drawing something, watching YouTube, doing nothing, etc. Always helps to refresh my mind.

Whatever you do just be sure you love it and want it from your heart. You can connect with me on Instagram, LinkedIn and Telegram

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

I use an HP computer. I have no idea what model is it. I think that the idea and design ability is important than your device model. Do not be sad if your device is old or not MacBook just try to do your best.

Because of my job, I use so many software tools recently and before. Like the SAP system, Jira, CPM, Tekila billing, OP Manager network monitoring system, etc.

For UX/UI design, I use Figma all the time, but Figma Mirror, Miro, Maze, etc. helps a lot too.

I also love to take photos with my phone. I use iPhone 12 for mobilegraphy. I started this journey with a Huawei phone in 2015. I love taking and editing videos. Sometimes I share them on TikTok, Instagram, or just on my Telegram channel.

What would be your dream/dream setup?

Clean desk, calm colors, lo-fi music, quiet place, somewhere next to the window.

An Additional request: cold weather, rain, Autumn, coffee, and tea.

I also want to try digital art. Maybe an iPad, an Apple pencil, and after using 10+ years of Windows a MacBook can help.

NerdyBio is a community initiative by StatusNeo to capture the work life of interesting professionals and icons from various walks of life!!!
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