nerdy bio

267 awesome interviews!

Nikki D'Costa nerdybio: The Nerd Community

Nikki D'Costa

Interviewed on
April 28, 2023 in Digital Evangelist

Who are you, and what do you do?

I am currently a Digital Evangelist Intern at StatusNeo and a Computer Science and Data Science Student at Case Western Reserve University. I am expected to graduate college in May 2025 and hope to be a Software Engineer or Data Scientist. You can follow me on - LinkedIn

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

Some hardware I use are a MacBook Pro, iPad 8, Apple Pencil First General, AirPods, and an iPhone 13. Some software I use are Python, Java, MATLAB, R, C, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PyCharm, Eclipse, R Studio, and Visual Studio

What would be your dream/dream setup?

My dream set up would be to work out of a high rise building in a room which has large windows and high technology everywhere. I would love this place to be nice and quiet. Furthermore, I would love there to tons of natural light coming into he room if possible.

NerdyBio is a community initiative by StatusNeo to capture the work life of interesting professionals and icons from various walks of life!!!
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