nerdy bio

267 awesome interviews!

Regina nerdybio: The Nerd Community


Interviewed on
January 30, 2023 in Photographer

Who are you, and what do you do?

My name is Regina and I'm a creative photographer from Ukraine. At the moment, I mostly do portrait photography. I enjoy capturing feelings into pictures and creating unique atmosphere. Photography isn't my profession, I feel that it should stay my hobby and not be changed by the need to earn money. I move in my own pace, sometimes it takes me a month or even more to create something I like. I can just sit and think about some idea for weeks. So, yeah, professional photography is just not for me. And that's okay. However, I do take orders from time to time, just not on an ongoing basis

When I started, back in 2017, I was a shy little girl and took pictures of everything that surrounded me, landscapes, animals etc. I had no friends to photograph them. My camera was my best friend. I wandered in my little town and in deserted fields alone, with my camera. Today if I'm feeling down, I do the same thing: wander somewhere and take pictures of everything. It's kind of a meditation, which helps me to accept reality and connect with myself.

Now my style is completely different. I mostly photograph people. I always try to come up with detailed concept for a photoshoot, which will tell some story or capture my current feelings. In a way, photography changed my life. I met lots of wonderful people, some of them are my good friends now. And I have learned to express myself through art. I started to actively develop my Instagram 2 years ago. And it's such a fulfilling feeling to see that there're lots of people out there, that actually like what you're doing. And some of them are even willing to give you their money so you would take pictures of them. Amazing, right?

Some more facts about me: I a'm an introvert, a melancholic, my personality type is INFJ. I a'm a third year student of cultural studies. I enjoy crocheting and knitting in my free time. I a'm absolutely not a small talk person, that's why I mostly stay silent. I think a lot, I am a daydreamer. In childhood I used to draw and paint a lot (lots of horses!) and wanted to become a writer. I always had a desire to create. And here I am. You can follow me on Instagram, Behance and Twitter

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

From the beginning of my journey till the middle of last year, I've been using Sony a290 as my camera and in 2020 I've got Minolta AF 50mm f/1.7 portrait lens. Last year I switched to Fujifilm x-t1 + Meike 35mm f/1.7.

I edit all my photos in Lightroom. Only if i need to retouch something or ged reed of some objects in the backround I use Photoshop.

What would be your dream/dream setup?

I just wish to have my own comfortable creative space, where no one would disturb me, an ability to travel and implement all my ideas, even the craziest ones, and, of course, a powerful computer.

NerdyBio is a community initiative by StatusNeo to capture the work life of interesting professionals and icons from various walks of life!!!
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