nerdy bio

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Sarthak Bansal nerdybio: The Nerd Community

Sarthak Bansal

Interviewed on
July 28, 2023 in Student

Who are you, and what do you do?

Hello, my name is Sarthak Bansal. I am from India. I am a college student who’s Currently pursuing Bachelors of Commerce Hons from Rajdhani College Delhi University with keen interests in Finance, Management and Marketing. At present, I’m just a student so I don’t have a job yet.

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

I recently got a new laptop called Acer Aspire 7 Gaming Laptop 12th Gen Intel Core i5 and it has honestly changed my life as before I didn’t have a laptop. It has 16 GB RAM and an i5 processor which has more than suitable for all the work I need to do on it.

What would be your dream/dream setup?

I would love a very high quailty pc capable of running anything. I would love a setup where I could literally play any game possible with my friends. The latest processor with the highest ram capacity.

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