nerdy bio

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Zeynab Nazirova nerdybio: The Nerd Community

Zeynab Nazirova

Interviewed on
July 12, 2023 in UI/UX Designer

Who are you, and what do you do?

I am Zeynab Nazirova, hailing from Azerbaijan, currently employed as a UX/UI designer in the vibrant city of Baku. My fascination with design was sparked at the tender age of 8 when I laid eyes on a captivating Disneyland poster at school. From that moment, I knew that designing held a magical power for me. Over the course of 7 years, I have honed my skills in various design realms, including interior, 3D, graphics, and eventually web design.

In my pursuit of excellence, I sought admission to the esteemed Technest bootcamp in 2022, where I completed an Advanced UX/UI training program at Code Academy. My exceptional performance in projects during the course earned me a spot in the coveted Professional Training Program (PMP) at Code Academy. Presently, I also serve as a UX/UI teacher assistant at the academy, actively imparting knowledge to aspiring designers.

As a UX/UI designer, my passion lies in crafting digital experiences that marry aesthetics with functionality. Rooted in a profound understanding of user behavior and an acute eye for detail, I endeavor to fashion interfaces that are intuitive, efficient, and engaging.

Collaboration is at the heart of my design process, and I highly value feedback from users, stakeholders, and team members alike. My relentless quest for innovation drives me to continually explore fresh avenues to enhance the user experience, ensuring that my designs align impeccably with users' needs while fostering business success.

With exceptional time management skills, I thrive in fast-paced environments, deftly juggling multiple projects and deadlines without compromising on quality. Ultimately, my unwavering dedication is centered on creating designs that enrich people's lives, making their journey easier and more delightful.

Also you can find me on Linkedin, Behance and Instagram

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

For my design endeavors, I rely on a MacBook Pro as my hardware of choice. My software toolkit comprises an array of top-notch UX/UI design tools, including: - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe XD - Sketch - Figma - InVision Studio

These tools enable me to bring my creative visions to life, shaping seamless user experiences.

Prototyping is a crucial aspect of my design workflow, and I employ tools like: - InVision - Marvel - Axure RP - Framer

These tools allow me to create interactive prototypes that allow for meticulous testing and validation of my designs.

As a firm believer in the power of collaboration, I embrace tools like: - Zeplin - Figma - InVision

These facilitate seamless communication and collaboration among designers, developers, and other stakeholders involved in the design process.

What would be your dream/dream setup?

Looking to the future, I hold ambitious dreams close to my heart. I aspire to achieve numerous successes and accolades, continuously evolving as a UX/UI designer. Venturing beyond my homeland, I envision a future where I combine my love for travel with my passion for design, seeking opportunities in foreign countries.

My ultimate dream includes joining the ranks of renowned companies such as Google and Amazon in the illustrious Silicon Valley. To further my impact, I aspire to be interviewed by prestigious publications like Forbes, lauding my achievements as one of the successful individuals in the design domain. Additionally, I harbor intentions of taking the stage as a TedX speaker, inspiring others with my journey and insights.

To the readers, I share a profound piece of advice: life is a tapestry of contrasts, and growth often emerges from embracing both successes and failures. Like the weather, which encompasses sunshine, rain, and wind, our lives too need moments of darkness for growth and learning.

May my interview serve as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging you to dream fearlessly, for one day, you will witness those dreams materialize into reality!

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