nerdy bio

267 awesome interviews!

Harshita nerdybio: The Nerd Community


Interviewed on
July 21, 2023 in Electronics Engineer

Who are you, and what do you do?

Hello, my name is Harshita . I am from Rajasthan India . I am a college student who’s currently pursuing Bachelors in Technology in Electronics and communication. Currently I am doing an internship under the Jaipur metro.

My core interests remain in the field of Electronics,VLSI,signals . I aspire to become a VLSI engineer at a big company like Intel but that’s a long way to go. Unfortunately, the courses offered at my university didn’t help me much in the fields I was interested in. So, I took up some courses on sites like Coursera and Mimo to brush up my skills. I started with a simple 4-week course on C++ and MATLAB from Coursera and started getting the basics of C++. Then I started practicing C++ on Mimo, which helped me to further enhance my skills in C++. Currently, my MATLAB course from Coursera is still going but I plan to finish them as soon as possible to help me in the field I am interested in. Additionally, I also know other programming languages like C, Java, JavaScript, R and Scala.

What hardware(tools) and software do you use?

Hardware used:- For coding, I use Visual Studio Code to execute programs from various languages like C++, Python and Java. I also use MATLAB to perform any tasks related to version control.

Whenever I am working on VLSI,I use Cadence to train and test my models there.

What would be your dream/dream setup?

My dream? That’s a good question as I am not someone who keeps a constant dream throughout their lives. But still, I would say the best way to follow my dream is to set real goals and do my best to reach them however I can. I just want to successful enough to live a optimal and comfortable life which will make my family proud.

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